Combined 21st International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 11th Workshop on Structured Operational Semantics
DATE: Sept 1
Johannes Borgström (Uppsala University)
Silvia Crafa (Universita' di Padova)
The EXPRESS workshop series aims at bringing together researchers interested in the expressiveness of various formal systems and semantic notions, particularly in the field of concurrency. The SOS workshop series aims at being a forum for researchers, students and practitioners interested in new developments, and directions for future investigation, in the field of structural operational semantics. The combined EXPRESS/SOS workshop focuses on the formal semantics of systems and programming concepts, and on the expressiveness of mathematical models of computation.
DATE: Sept 1
Matteo Cimini (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA)
This workshop aims at providing a platform for PhD students and young researchers who recently completed their doctoral studies, to exchange new results related to concurrency theory and receive feedback on their research. Focus is on informal discussions. Excellent master students working on concurrency theory are also encouraged to contribute.
- BEAT 2014 - 3rd International Workshop on Behavioural Types
DATE: Sept 1
ORGANIZERS: Simon Gay (University of Glasgow), on behalf of COST
Action IC1201 (BETTY)
Modern society is increasingly dependent on large-scale software systems that are distributed, collaborative and communication-centred. Correctness and reliability of such systems depend on compatibility between components and services that are newly developed or may already exist. The consequences of failure are severe, including security breaches and unavailability of essential services. To address this problem, behavioural type theory is being used as the basis for new foundations, programming languages, and software development methods for communication-intensive distributed systems. Behavioural type theory encompasses concepts such as interfaces, communication protocols, contracts, and choreography. As a unifying structural principle it has the potential to transform the theory and practice of distributed software development.
- FOCLASA 2014
13th International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Self-Adaptation
DATE: Sept 6
Javier Cámara (Carnegie Mellon University)
José Proença (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Modern software systems are distributed, concurrent, mobile, and often involve composition of heterogeneous components and stand-alone services. Service coordination and self-adaptation constitute the core characteristics of distributed and service-oriented systems. Coordination languages and formal approaches to modelling and reasoning about self-adaptive behaviour help to simplify the development of complex distributed service-based systems, enable functional correctness proofs and improve reusability and maintainability of such systems. The goal of the FOCLASA workshop is to put together researchers and practitioners of the aforementioned fields, to share and identify common problems, and to devise general solutions in the context of coordination languages and self-adaptive systems.
- PV: Workshop on Parameterized Verification
DATE: Sept 6
Giorgio Delzanno (University of Genova)
Parosh A. Abdulla (Uppsala University) - TRENDS 2014
DATE: Sept 6
Ilaria Castellani
Mohammad Reza Mousavi
TRENDS 2014 is an event organised by IFIP WG 1.8. It aims at bringing together researchers interested in concurrency theory and its applications to discuss recent trends, exchange ideas and discuss open problems.
Systems composed of a finite but possibly arbitrary number of identical components occur everywhere from hardware design (e.g. cache coherence protocols) to distributed applications (e.g. client-server applications). Parameterized verification is the task of verifying the correctness of this kind of systems regardless the number of their components. The workshop is aimed at bringing together researchers working on Parameterized Verification using different specification formalism (automata and logic, rewriting, Petri nets, ...), validation methods (e.g. regular model checking, reachability and coverability algorithms, abstractions, theorem proving,...) and application domains (e.g. hardware design, cache coherence protocols, security and communication protocols, multithreaded and concurrent programs, programs with relaxed memory models, mobile and distributed systems, database languages and systems, biological systems).
The timeline for the workshops is the following:
- June 11th, 2014: Deadline for workshop abstracts
- June 15th, 2014: Deadline for workshop papers
- July 13th, 2014: Notifications
- July 23rd, 2014: Final versions